MemberLearn Online Courses

Respect@Work for Employees
This course explains how employees can build and maintain a respectful workplace.

Land Use Regulation: Your Role in Land-Use Decision Making
This course is designed to introduce you to core concepts about land use decisions.

Land Use (Mini-Course)
[FREE COURSE] This mini course is designed to introduce you to core concepts about land use decisions.

[FREE COURSE] In this mini-course, you will learn what the CROWN Act is and why it is important.

Governance: Conflict of Interest
[FREE COURSE] This course designed specifically for small cities will help identify real and perceived conflicts of interest.

Finance: The Budgeting Process
[FREE COURSE] This course designed specifically for small cities provides an overview of the budgeting process.

Tips for Seasonal Hiring
[FREE COURSE] This course designed specifically for small cities provides an overview and recruitment tips for seasonal hiring.

Roles and Responsibilities for Elected Officials
[FREE COURSE] This mini-course describes the roles and responsibilities of elected officials in city governance.

Skills for Communicating Effectively in a Crisis
This course provides elected officials with crisis communications concepts and strategies.

Code Enforcement
[FREE COURSE] This mini-course for city clerks provides the basics on enforcing city code.